Cosmotec Co., Ltd.


Basic Philosophy
Cosmotec is positively working on environmental problems.

Cosmotec Co., Ltd. is activeely promote and stricly practice environmental conservation both locally & globally. Also we recognize the global environmental conservation as one of our major responsibilities in order to protect the irreplaceable resources of the planet for the benefit of future genetrations.

We will implement sustainable improvements in the environmental management system established in accordance with ISO 14001.
We will always remain conscious of the environmental aspects of our activities, products and services and will promote the prevention of environmental pollution.
We will comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations, and with other obligations to which we subscribe.
In respect of environmental considerations relating to our activities, products and services, we will implement the following items as environmental management priority themes:
  • We will actively pursue the reduction of environmental loads for our customers by promoting environmentally friendly design and development.
  • We will actively promote green procurement and strive to reduce environmental loads.
  • We will actively implement resource and energy conservation, together with recycling activities, and will strive to reduce environmental loads and prevent pollution.
We will set environmental goals and targets in order to realize our environmental policy, develop and execute an action plan, periodically evaluate the degree of achievement and conduct reviews of the plan.
We will provide appropriate information and implement education and training for all employees.

This environmental policy is disclosed to the public and disseminated to all employees.